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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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About the School

At Picadome Elementary, we believe that all students should leave our school having the skill set of a lifelong learner and responsible citizenship. Staff members engage in ongoing professional learning to implement research-based practices to meet the needs of all students. With a strong focus on early literacy development, Picadome looks at each individual student to see what they need to succeed and be ready for middle school. Our staff strives to build authentic relationships with students because they need to feel safe and supported to take academic risks. Picadome also has supportive families and community members and a strong PTA, along with the best students in the world. Teamwork keeps us moving forward!


The Picadome school community is committed to all students becoming lifelong learners through academic success and responsible citizenship.